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البوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخولالرئيسية
المواضيع الأخيرة
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»  Il était une fois un vieux couple heureux de M. Khair-Eddine
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» أحلى صفات المرأة والتي تجعل الرجل يحبها بجنون
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» بحث حول العولمـــــــــــــــة
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» L'intégration des connaissances en littérature Française
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» Dr Patrick Aïdan : Chirurgie robotique thyroidienne par voie axillaire
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» كيف نشأت الفلسفة
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» زجل :الربيع.
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» le bourgeois gentilhomme de Molière
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 مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مشرف على ركن إباعات الأعضاء
مشرف على ركن إباعات الأعضاء

الإسم الحقيقي : hamza benjeloun
البلد : maroc

عدد المساهمات : 17
التنقيط : 40427
العمر : 25
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2013
الجنس : ذكر

مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل   مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل I_icon_minitimeالأحد 12 يناير 2014, 16:53

what is the difference between future plans and intentions

عدل سابقا من قبل benjelloun في الأحد 12 يناير 2014, 17:30 عدل 1 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مشرف على ركن إباعات الأعضاء
مشرف على ركن إباعات الأعضاء

الإسم الحقيقي : hamza benjeloun
البلد : maroc

عدد المساهمات : 17
التنقيط : 40427
العمر : 25
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2013
الجنس : ذكر

مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل   مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل I_icon_minitimeالأحد 12 يناير 2014, 17:07

what is the difference between future plans and intentions
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مشرف على ركن إباعات الأعضاء
مشرف على ركن إباعات الأعضاء

الإسم الحقيقي : hamza benjeloun
البلد : maroc

عدد المساهمات : 17
التنقيط : 40427
العمر : 25
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2013
الجنس : ذكر

مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل   مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل I_icon_minitimeالأحد 12 يناير 2014, 17:08

what is the difference between future plans and intentions
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مشرف على ركن إباعات الأعضاء
مشرف على ركن إباعات الأعضاء

الإسم الحقيقي : hamza benjeloun
البلد : maroc

عدد المساهمات : 17
التنقيط : 40427
العمر : 25
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2013
الجنس : ذكر

مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل   مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل I_icon_minitimeالأحد 12 يناير 2014, 17:09

what is the difference between future plans and intentions
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مشرف على ركن إباعات الأعضاء
مشرف على ركن إباعات الأعضاء

الإسم الحقيقي : hamza benjeloun
البلد : maroc

عدد المساهمات : 17
التنقيط : 40427
العمر : 25
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2013
الجنس : ذكر

مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل   مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل I_icon_minitimeالأحد 12 يناير 2014, 17:10

pliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiize Hep me
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
abdelhalim berri
المدير العام
المدير العام
abdelhalim berri

الإسم الحقيقي : Abdelhalim BERRI
البلد : Royaume du Maroc

عدد المساهمات : 17537
التنقيط : 95092
العمر : 64
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/08/2010
الجنس : ذكر

مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل   مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل I_icon_minitimeالأحد 12 يناير 2014, 19:36

Future tenses
There are several different ways in English that you can talk about the future. This page is an introduction to the most important ones:

Predictions/statements of fact

The auxiliary verb will is used in making predictions or simple statements of fact about the future.

  • The sun will rise at 6.30 tomorrow.
  • Lunch break today will be 10 minutes longer than usual.
  • In the year 2050 all students will have their own computers in school.
  • If you help me, I will help you.
  • Do you think she will come soon?
  • You won't pass your exams if you don't start working harder.
  • I know my parents won't let me go to the party.
  • Will it snow for Christmas?
  • I know she's sick, but will she be back in school tomorrow?


The auxiliary verb going to is used in talking about intentions. (An intention is a plan for the future that you have already thought about.)

  • We're going to buy a new car next month.
  • I'm going to work in a bank when I leave school.
  • In the new year I'm going to stop eating so much junk.
  • He's not going to go to the dance. He's got too much work.
  • I'm not going to watch TV until my science project is finished.
  • Are you going to play basketball after school?
  • What are you going to have for lunch today?

Note: going to is often used in the past tense to talk about an unfulfilled intention. Examples: I was going to study for my grammar test, but I had no time. / He was going to call you, but he couldn't find his mobile phone. / My grandmother was going to visit us, but she fell and broke her arm.


The present continuous tense is used in talking about arrangements. (An arrangement is is a plan for the future that you have already thought about and discussed with someone else.)

  • I'm meeting my mother at the airport tomorrow.
  • Our grandparents are visiting us this Christmas.
  • Sorry, I can't stay after school today; I'm playing tennis with Jun-Sik.
  • My sister's going to the dentist tomorrow.
  • I'm not returning home for the holidays, so I can come to your party after all!
  • Are you doing anything on Sunday morning?
  • Do you know if he is going to the dance with Maiko next week?

Scheduled events

The present simple tense is usually used to refer to future events that are scheduled (and outside of our control).

  • Hurry up! The train departs in 10 minutes.
  • I leave Frankfurt at 5 o'clock in the morning and arrive in New York
    at midnight the next day.
  • She has an appointment with the headmaster after school today.
  • There's no need to hurry. The train doesn't leave for another 30 minutes.
  • When does the meeting begin?

More future tenses.

This is a very difficult aspect of English grammar. Learners who want a deeper understanding should consult a good grammar reference such as Swan's Practical English Usage.

 :lllklkllklkkl:  :lllklkllklkkl:  :lllklkllklkkl: 
Future Plans and Intentions
Have a look at the following summary to understand the different tenses that refer to a future time:
1. In sentences that concern events that are on a definite schedule or timetable. These sentences usually contain future words.
The train LEAVES Detroit at 9pm tonight.
John STARTS work next week.
Tomorrow IS Thursday.
PRESENT CONTINUOUS1. In sentences that concern a definite plan or arrangement. These sentences usually contain future words, or the future is understood from the context.
Mary IS TAKING her music exam next year.
They can’t play tennis with you tomorrow. They’RE WORKING.
We’RE GOING to the theatre on Friday.
BE GOING TO1.  When the speaker is making a prediction based on evidence.
There’s a cloud in the sky. It’S GOING TO rain.
2. When the speaker already has an intention or plan.
We’RE GOING TO paint our bedroom tomorrow.
Jo has won the lottery. He says he’S GOING TO go to Tahiti.
1. When the speaker is making a prediction.
Tomorrow WILL BE hot and sunny.

People WILL GO to Mars in the next decade.
2. When the speaker decides to do something at the time of speaking. He had no previous plan. Spontaneous.
Hold on. I’LL GET a pen.
I think I’LL GO to the gym tomorrow
Take quiz 1 + quiz 2 to check your understanding.
Apart from these verb forms, we can also make use of the following structures to write/speak about our future plans or intentions. Pay attention to the part highlighted in bold:
I would like to meet Tom Cruise.
I’m thinking of travelling to Australia next year.
I’m looking forward to seeing my best friend Amy.
I’m planning to move to a different country in a near future.
I’m hoping to buy a new computer soon.
What about you? What are your future plans?
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
abdelhalim berri
المدير العام
المدير العام
abdelhalim berri

الإسم الحقيقي : Abdelhalim BERRI
البلد : Royaume du Maroc

عدد المساهمات : 17537
التنقيط : 95092
العمر : 64
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/08/2010
الجنس : ذكر

مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل   مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل I_icon_minitimeالأحد 12 يناير 2014, 19:39

WILL and BE GOING TO for future intentions
Will (future simple) is used to express future intentions that are decided at the time of speaking (spontaneous offers, promises and decisions):
اقتباس :
Come on, I'll help you with those bags. (seeing that someone is struggling with their shopping bags)
Be going to is used to express future intentions that have already been decided before the time of speaking:
اقتباس :
I can't make it on Saturday. I'm going to help my parents around the house. (referring to a decision that the speaker has made in the past)
WILL and BE GOING TO for predictions
Will (future simple) is used to make predictions that are based on personal judgement, opinion or intuition:
اقتباس :
I'm sure you'll have a lovely time in Italy. (opinion)
Be going to is used to make predictions that are based on present evidence. The predicted event is either very near (and can be seen) or seems sure to happen:
اقتباس :
My sister's going to have a baby. (we can see that she is pregnant)
BE GOING TO and present continuous for future plans
Be going to refers to future intentions that have been decided but have not been fully planned:
اقتباس :
We're going to get married. (referring to a past decision)
The present continuous tense refers to fixed future events and emphasises that plans or arrangements have already been made:
اقتباس :
We are getting married next month. (the wedding has already been arranged)
Cheat sheet
مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل Will-be-going-to-present-continuous
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
abdelhalim berri
المدير العام
المدير العام
abdelhalim berri

الإسم الحقيقي : Abdelhalim BERRI
البلد : Royaume du Maroc

عدد المساهمات : 17537
التنقيط : 95092
العمر : 64
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/08/2010
الجنس : ذكر

مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل   مساااااعدة عاااااااااجل I_icon_minitimeالأحد 12 يناير 2014, 19:41

The Basics: Future with Will:
The future in English can be rather confusing. There are two future forms used in most conversations: the future with 'will' and the future with 'going to'. The main difference between the two forms is that 'going to' is used for plans and intentions made before the moment of speaking, and the 'will' to speak about the future at the moment of speaking. Study these basic forms and then use the referenced resources to practice these forms. Teachers can print out these materials for use in-class, or find help with how to teach future forms, as well as the lesson plans suggested below.
There are two basic future tenses used to describe things that happen in the future. Besides these two there are some other future tenses which can be started on the advanced future tenses page. The first future tense is the future with 'will'. Use the future with will to talk about an event in the future that you have just decided to do, for predictions and for promises.
I think I'll go to that party next week.
The economy will get better soon.
Yes, I will marry you.
The Basics: Future with Going to:
The future with 'going to' is used to express events you have already planned in the future and your intentions for the future. We sometimes also use the present continuous for planned events in the near future.
She's going to attend university and study to become a doctor.
We're going to make the presentation next week.
Future with Will Structure:
Subject + will + verb
I, You, He, She, We, They will come to the party.
Subject + will + not (won't) + verb
I, You, He, She, We, They won't have time tomorrow.
Question word + will + subject + verb
What will he, she, you, we, they do?
Future with Going to Structure:
Subject + to be + going to + verb
I am going to attend the meeting.
He, She is going to attend the meeting.
You, We, They are going to attend the meeting.
Subject + to be + not + going to + verb
I'm not going to visit Rome next year.
He, She isn't going to visit Rome next year.
You, We, They aren't going to visit Rome next year.
(Question word) + to be + subject + going to + verb
Where am I going to stay?
Where is she, he going to stay?
Where are you, we, they going to stay?

Study the Future with Will and Going to in Depth:
Here is an in depth guide to each of the uses of both the future with 'will' and with 'going to' . This page compares and contrasts both forms quickly. Each guide provides situations, common time expressions used with the tense, as well as examples.
These guides to the future with 'will' are designed especially for beginners:
The future with 'will'.
The future with will for predictions about the weather.

Test Your Knowledge of the Future with Will and Going to:
Once you've studied the rules - or if you already know the rules - test your knowledge:
Going to or Will?
Future Forms Quiz for Advanced Learners
Teach a Lesson About the Future with Will and Going to:
This intermediate lesson focuses solely on the future with 'will' and 'going to'. The lesson includes a step by step guide through the lesson and handouts to use in class.

Activities with the Future with Will and Going to:
Some activities that will help you practice:
Planning a Party - Dialogue concentrating on the future with 'will' and 'going to'.
The Meeting - Dialogue with schedules, future plans
The Oregon Weather Forecast - Dialogue with the use of the future with will for predictions, weather vocabulary
Making Plans - Listening comprehension using forms to make future plans
English Tenses Timeline Chart - study how the future forms with will and going to relate to other tenses on a timeline.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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